sexta-feira, 07 de junho, 2019

Vehicle production grows 29.9% in May before May 2018, says Anfavea

The production of vehicles grew 29.9% in May before the same month last year, reported on Thursday, 6, the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers (Anfavea). There were 275,700 units produced in the month, a sum that considers the segments of automobiles, light commercials, trucks and buses. It is the largest volume for the month since 2014, when the production reached 281,300 units. The part of the growth is explained by the strike of last year's truckers, which took place in the second fortnight of May. At the time, roadblocks forced all automakers to interrupt their productions for a few days. In relation to April, last month's production was also high, but less expressive, 3.1%. In the accumulated from January to May, the automakers totaled 1,241,000 of vehicles produced, expansion of 5.3% compared to the same period of 2018. Growth is only not greater because the sector faces a decline in exports due to the crisis in Argentina, the main destination of the exported vehicles. Job Despite the increase in production, manufacturers eliminated 146 job vacancies in May. In 12 months, the balance is also negative, with the closing of 2,357 jobs. The sector ended last month with 130,008 employees, falling 1.8% compared to the result of the same period last year. Sales In sales to the domestic market, the Anfavea's balance sheet confirms figures released on Monday by the National Federation of Automotive Vehicle Distribution (Fenabrave). The emplacings grew 21.6% in May compared to the last month, to 245,400 units. In relation to April, there was a high of 5.8%. In the accumulated, were 1,085,000 units sold, an increase of 12.5% on the result of the same period last year.
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