segunda-feira, 20 de maio, 2019

Itaú develops digital payment platform

Itaú Unibanco launched, on Monday (13), the "Iti", an open platform of digital payments that will work even for those who are not customers. In the application, payers can register credit cards from any financial institution or crediting amounts to any bank account. The "ITI" can be used in transfers between people and payments in retail, through a QR-Code, and makes transfers without charge and offers exclusive benefits-all via mobile. The limit is R $1,000 per day. The platform also guarantees tenants, freelancers and entrepreneurs the receipt of their sales at the same time. The shopkeeper will have a rate of 1% per transaction. The "ITI" will be available for iOS and Android smartphones from the third quarter of 2019.
Giro News - 14/05/2019 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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