segunda-feira, 01 de abril, 2019

Low price conilon coffee farmers before the harvest concerned

The conilon coffee harvest in the Holy Spirit doesn't start in the next few weeks. But farmers are worried, because the costs are high and the price low. Earlier this month, the federal Government announced the new minimum values for the commercialization of the variety and the base price of the sack was for little more than R $210. The new values not pleased the producers. For them, the cost of production is above this value. The readjustment begins for real at the beginning of the harvest, in April, and continues until March of next year. The values have been defined by the national supply company (Conab), on the basis of the costs of production of the latest vintages in Espírito Santo, Bahia and Rondônia. This year, the 60-pound bag of conilon 7 type has been sold, on average, by R $294, below the value practiced in same period in 2018, when R $342. The concern is that the new guarantee price drop even more to quote. In addition to the difficulty to close the accounts, the producer Venício Marianelli had problems with the crop. He intended to reap 800 sacks this year, but don't count on a summer so hot, even with the onslaught of the cochineal, a plague that suck the SAP of the plant and dry the coffee. The calculation had to change. The Plantation is located in Colativa, in the Northwest of the Holy Spirit and has 30000 species conilon. The Holy Spirit produces nearly 80 percent of the country's robust (conilon). In the last harvest, were harvested 9 million sacks.
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