terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro, 2019

Rentcars.com designs 30% increase in bookings of Carnival

The demand for vehicle rentals in the Carnival holiday must grow 30% over the same period last year, according to estimates of the rental company Rentcars.com online. Among the cities that should boost the expansion are Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Porto Alegre, Recife and Salvador. Outside of Brazil, Miami, Orlando, Buenos Aires and Santiago are the targets with greater demand among tourists. Smaller and cheaper. As in other periods of the year, economic vehicles category follows the most sought after by customers in the Carnival, with 50% of the preference. The compacts and SUVs appear with 11% and 10%, respectively. (Luciana Collet)
O Estado de S. Paulo - 26/02/2019 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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