sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro, 2019

Magazine Luiza has high of 14.5% in net income for the 4th tri

SAO PAULO (Reuters)-retailer Magazine Luiza was discharged from 14,5% of profit in the fourth quarter, to 189.6 million reais, supported the strong growth in sales and in the dilution of operating expenses. Considering all the channels, including the marketplace, 5.94 billion reais were sold from October to December, 34,9% cipher greater compared to the previous year. Quarterly net revenue rose 27,3% on the same basis, to 4.61 billion dollars. The same stores, Magazine Luiza showed high 16,1% in sales, compared with 15% a year earlier advance. Meanwhile, the growth of online sales, including third parties, slowed to 57,4%, from 60%. Still, the participation of ecommerce in total sales rose to 37,7%, up from 32,3% in the fourth quarter. The higher revenues compensated with the increase of the total expenditure, boosting in 13% operating results as measured by earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (Ebitda), to 353.5 million reais. The Magazine Luiza 130.2 million reais invested during the period, with the funds mainly to the opening of shops, reform, technology and logistics. In the year, the company disbursed 364.4 million reais, 113% more about 2017, including opening of 96 new physical points. Separately, the retailer reported that your Board of Directors approved the creation of new share buyback program of up to 4.5 million shares, the equivalent of 6,65% of outstanding shares on the market.
DCI - 21/02/2019 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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