segunda-feira, 07 de janeiro, 2019

Freight transport is bet by insurers in 2019

The insurance industry is confident in the performance of the transport segment this year, given the reflection seen in the activity with the recovery of the economy in recent months of 2018. The National Federation of general insurance (FenSeg) sees a growth of 5% to 10% in premiums with cargo insurance in 2019, compared with the $3 billion planned for R the closing of 2018. Accuracy. In addition to the improvement of the economy, a greater demand for hiring by insurance companies that normally wouldn't and the new version of the MDF-and-electronic tax document, which established the obligation of the policy number and registration for the release of the boarding – are also singled out as factors that tend to boost the performance of this segment.
O Estado de S. Paulo - 04/01/2019 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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