terça-feira, 15 de janeiro, 2019

Bicycle production grows in the country

The bicycle manufacturers installed in the Manaus Industrial Pole (PIM) closed 2018 with 15.9% advance of production, to 773,600 units. For this year, the industry high of 10.8% projected. "It shows clearly the positive impact of the expansion of bike lanes, lanes and ciclorrotas in the cities", said in a statement the Vice President of the Brazilian Association of thread Manufacturers of motorcycles, Mopeds, Scooters, Bicycles and similar (Abraciclo), Cyro Gako. He adds that after four years of decline, the national industry showed a business resumption in 2018, driven by greater supply of products, competitive prices and expansion of urban mobility. The evaluation Manager, the reduction of consumer delinquency index is another reason for the increased production, combined with the increase in the supply of credit by financial institutions. " With the reduction of indebtedness of families, must be taken over the planned purchases, and retail support in offering credit more accessible, "says Gazola.Com the basis of the results of the last year, the entity reinforces your optimism about 2019. "We believe that there will be a growth of 10.8% in 2019, and production to reach 857,000 units" Gako. Foreign trade according to the then Ministry of industry, Trade and services (MDIC), the importation of bicycles throughout the country totaled 117,600 national units in 2018, 22.6% drop on 2017. The bikes came mainly from China (82.5%).
DCI - 15/01/2019 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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