segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro, 2019

Basket: whole milk and French bread are among the most expensive items

The basic basket price rose in the capital surveyed by the Inter-union Department 18 of statistics and economic studies, the Dieese, last year. Between December 2017 and 2018, the biggest December high occurred in Campo Grande (15.46%), Brasília (14.76%) and Belo Horizonte (13.03%). The lowest were recorded in Recife (2.53%) and Christmas (3.09%). Increase in price of food basket items in the basket that most increased in price were: whole milk, tomato, French bread, beef, rice and potato agulhinha. "These items have risen, they have risen far above inflation. So, you need to look carefully at this, because these foods in the basket are basic for the low-income family, they are important. So we need to look carefully for these increases and thinking about policies that increase the purchasing power of wages or that the price doesn't go up as much, so that these families are not so prejudiced with these increases, "said Patricia Lay Costa, Dieese price supervisor. Fall in the price of coffee and sugar Have the largest price falls were recorded in the espresso powder and sugar. It is worth mentioning that, in November and December last year, the price of potatoes rose in all capitals. The reason was the dry climate, which crippled production in the Center-South of Brazil. Already the price of beef, which is in the off-season and had record exports, rose in 15 cities. Minimum wage value x value of the Monthly food basket, the Dieese calculates the value of the minimum wage required to defray the costs of a worker and your family with food, housing, health, education, clothing, hygiene, transportation, recreation and foresight. This calculation is made based on the most expensive basket of the country, which in December was that of São Paulo. According to the institution, the value of the basket should be R $3,960.57, which means more than 4 times the minimum wage in force in December.
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