quinta-feira, 02 de agosto, 2018

Revenue from Sale of Books back up 5% in June

The billing with the marketing of books in bookstores, supermarkets and self-service stores fell 5 percent in June. During the period, revenue was $128 million, compared to R R $134.7 million recorded in June 2017. The data were collected by GfK and by the National Association of bookshops (ANL). According to the study, were sold in the month, 3,290,000 copies before the 3,550,000 pointed in the same interval last year. The number represents 7.2% drop in sales volume. Year to date, however, the scenario is for growth of 6% in volume and 6.1% of revenues, with record of R $1.24 billion.
Giro News - 01/08/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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