segunda-feira, 02 de julho, 2018

Non-alcoholic beverages have a tendency of new retraction

With the economy slowing down and the fall in consumption of soft drinks, responsible for the largest share of the market for non-alcoholic beverages, the sector may face a new pullback in 2018. "The market is shrinking due to concern with the quality of life. The sugary drinks are wasting space and sales of juice, tea and other healthier options are still small, not taking up that gap. The soda has the largest proportion, even be cheaper ", explains the accounting analyst of manufacturer Refrix, Victor Pucineli. According to the Brazilian Association of manufacturers of soft drinks and non-alcoholic drinks (Abir), since 2014 the per capita consumption of soft drinks come in reducing Brazil: four years ago, was 80.6 litres per inhabitant per year. Already in 2016 was 70 litres. 2017 data have not yet been consolidated, but the consulting firm Euromonitor designs new market downturn, with domestic production falling 16.571 billion liters, in 2012, to 13.274 billion last year. To the President of the Association of Manufacturers of soft drinks of Brazil (Afrebras), Fernando Rodríguez de Barrios, the economic is also standing in the industry. "The crisis affects everyone, and aggravates further into a market that had problems. The costs are increasing, factories closing and the prospect is of falling. " This Wednesday (27), the manufacturer of soft drinks Dolly filed for judicial reorganization. The company declared in a statement that is not able to pay its obligations. Barrios believes that a way out of the industry is investing in development of soft drinks without sugar. "It's a possibility, with sugar being seen as a villain, it is necessary to seek innovations that keep the original flavor of the drink after removing the ingredient, not to cause rejection of the consumer." The Refrix, a company plant in Tietê (São Paulo), projected growth for this year betting on outsourcing of production by other brands. "While the soft drink industry is reporting a fall of 5% to 6%, we have grown 15%. We believe that providing services, as for example, a manufacturer who has drink in pet packaging, but not in a can. The company will not invest in a new line, outsource with Refrix, reducing costs ", explains Pucineli. The company provides to expand production in at least 25% in 2018. Raw material and taxation Bioleve, producer of mineral water and soft drinks based in Lindóia (SP), assesses the company's performance at the beginning of the year was lower than expected. "We had predicted a growth of 5%, but this has not occurred, we had a very wet summer. We hope to compensate with a dry winter, which improves low-demand season, "said the President of Bioleve, Flávio Aragon dos Santos. The Executive reveals that one of the industry's current concerns is the foreign exchange impact in the raw materials. "The devaluation of the real against the dollar caused an increase of about 25% in the resin used in pet bottles. Also affects the inputs that are imported in the lines of juices, soft drinks and isotonic drinks. And with the current economic situation, it is very difficult to pass on the increased costs to the consumer. " As a result of the exemption from diesel, the Government has reduced the rate of the tax on industrialized products (IPI) of soft drinks concentrates in the Manaus free trade zone from 20% to 4%. The Open, which has among its associated with the largest companies in the industry, criticized the decision, declaring through notes that "nothing justifies the absence of dialogue with the industry. The sudden change of tax regime of tax settlements threatens the investments and the operation of various industries. " Already the Afrebras, an association that brings together local manufacturers, celebrated the measure. "It was a competitive difference. Because small businesses collect tax and the big no? This change is good for society, consumers and industry. Now, we ran more fair, "says Barrios.
Abras 28/06/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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