terça-feira, 19 de junho, 2018


River-While experts list challenges to the implementation of public policies for sustainability in the city, businesses from various sectors adopt sustainable development strategies. Last Monday, was formalized a partnership between Brazil's network of the Global Compact, UN Grupo Empresarial Firjan ODS, formed by Coca-Cola, Enel, Rede Globo and Valley. In the event, the Federation of industries of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan) released your adherence to the UN Global Pact, with the intention of disseminating the call 2030 Agenda in the State of Rio de Janeiro. — The Pact is an initiative of the UN with a slightly different feature, because it has focused on Governments, but, Yes, in companies. Among the 200 largest Gdp in the world, 153 are companies. So it is essential to bring the companies to the development agenda — explains the Executive Secretary of the Global Compact, Carlo Pereira. With over 15 years of experience in corporate sustainability issues, Parker explains that, in Rio, many companies are adopting the ODS. — This is a very interesting movement. Remember that any company can cause a negative impact on the environment, but the goal is to minimize them and provide positive effects whenever possible. Was made last year, a survey which showed that only 1% of the general population knew the 2030 Agenda. Why education is so important in the river. President of the Association of Supermarkets in the State of Rio de Janeiro (Asserj), Fábio Queiroz says that the industry tries to minimize the damage to the environment: — increasingly, it is part of the philosophy of the companies. In the markets, the main focuses are the fight against waste and encouraging recycling. With the intention to decrease the amount of discarded articles unnecessarily, the carioca SuperPrix network launched the campaign "looks are deceiving", which sells vegetables with unusual aspect giving 30% discount. To get the attention of customers, action stalls are installed in the fresh produce sector. — We know that approximately 40000 tonnes of food are wasted every day in Brazil. Seen in Europe, initiatives against establishments dispose of food and proposed the idea. Today, we sell to discount different vegetables, such as carrots without rectilinear format or minor crumpets. People were prejudiced against the different appearance, but the nutritional values are the same. The acceptance has been very good, and, in total, more than 50000 pounds of food are no longer thrown out since 2016 — Cynthia Worth, Manager of network marketing. The retail specialist Marco Quintarelli says that there are moves towards sustainability sector that need to be embraced by cariocas: — Today, most shops encourages the reduction of the use of plastic bags, but the consumer is still used to this culture. The river requires new policies and changes in behaviour.
Abras - 18/06/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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