segunda-feira, 09 de abril, 2018

Production of trucks grows more than 50% in the quarter

According to the released by Anfavea last Thursday, the production of trucks reached 24400 units in the first quarter of 2018. This volume represents high of 55.1% when compared to the 15800 manufactured in the same period last year. In March, 10000 trucks were manufactured, which represents 28% high 7800 February and 67.1% compared to the 6000 of March last year.
Sales of trucks in the period also were above 50%. The 14500 units in 2018 marketed from January to March high of 50.4% represent in comparison on the 9700 last year. In March, domestic sales totaled 46.8% 5900 units above the 4000 February and 44.5% of the 4100 March 2017.
In exports, the increase stood at 25.3% in the period: 7300 units this year against 5800 in the previous year.
Bus production also jumped in the first quarter: 6900 units against 4100 to 2017, with a high of 67.4%. In March, 2800 units were exported, representing an increase of 34.4 percent over the February 2100 and 68% when compared with the 1700 of March last year. Bus exports in the first three months of the year were of 2500 units, an increase of 51.2% to 1600 of 2017.
Usinagem-Brasil - 09/04/2018
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