terça-feira, 17 de abril, 2018

Frozen potato conquers space

Constant presence in shopping carts of Brazilians until 2014, the frozen potatoes were cast aside during the deepening of the crisis, in 2015, but came back with strength in 2017.
According to data from Kantar Worldpanel: consumer, the category was consumed by 33% of homes in 2017, gaining 2.5 percentage points of penetration before 2016, which means that more than 1 million new homes started to consume the product.
According to Kantar, the purchase of frozen potatoes grew 29% in volume and expanded sales in 19%. The item was more consumed by housewives between 30 and 49 years and higher classes. Households with children up to 12 years also stood out. By region, the highlight is the greater São Paulo, southern and Great Rio de Janeiro, with more than 50% of the home volume consumed.
DCI - 17/04/2018
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