segunda-feira, 19 de março, 2018

Trade Advances 0.7% in February

The Brazilian retail sector recorded growth of 0.7% in February, compared with the same period of 2017, discounting inflation that focuses on the retail sector expanded basket. The data is the Index Expanded retail Cielo (ICVA). According to the ICVA, in nominal terms, a number that reflects what the retailer actually says in the recipe of their sales, surged to 2.1% in comparison with the previous year. Still, adjusted calendar impacts caused by Carnival, the deflated high point index 1.5%, which represents a slowdown relative to the observed in the month of January (1.9%). The consumer price index (IPCA) established in February by IBGE pointed high of 2.84% in the last 12 months-stable with respect to registered in January (2.86%). The items in the Feed block at home and transport, mainly airline tickets, have contributed to the acceleration of the index while the Education segment items-which make up the sectors analyzed in the ICVA-contributed to the slowdown of the index. Pondering the IPCA by sectors and ICVA weights, retail inflation expanded in February stood at 1.5%, slight acceleration in relation to registered in January (1.3%).
Giro News - 16/03/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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