sexta-feira, 16 de março, 2018

The Virtual world as a complement for toys

Although the current reality is a favorable scenario, the virtual wave's growth has been a major challenge for the manufacturers of toys, which had to adapt. The key change was to unite the experiences into a single toy. And that could be done in several ways. The virtual world has great contribution in the portion that we call share of life of the children's world. But don't we look for it. And the best way to deal with that reality is bidding on some items a link, where part of the joke goes through buying a toy for that release, in a virtual world, access to games. So we do this interconnection to stimulate the purchase of toys, "says Ricardo Wako, Marketing Manager of Hasbro, in an exclusive interview to the newspaper Fun News. In the star, the solution is to use the virtual world to give continuity to a board game, for example. "Today most of our games have applications where he expands the gameplay, introducing technology, where the child is already connected. In our Detective, for example, you can register a smartphone in the application so that it receives, during a game between friends, tips and clues to help solve the game, "explains President Tilkian. The only care that must be taken, so that the game makes sense at any time, anywhere and that the toy if you baste. "It is very important to the concept of the product first to that then implements the concept of technology. The product has to be good alone, without the use of technology, and that technology is only a supplement to the product. So, in summary, to combat this trend, the ideal is to make a product where technology is an add-on to the game and not essential ", says Ricardo Rodriguez, product manager of Grow, also in an exclusive interview to the newspaper Fun News.
Giro News - 16/03/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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