quinta-feira, 15 de março, 2018

New Calcgraf Web site focuses on usability

São Paulo, March 2018 — Intuitive, accurate and comprehensive. So is the new Calcgraf Web site (www.calcgraf.com.br), designed to simplify the search for the products and services the company offers, from a content updated and adjusted to the interests of users. In addition to the modernisation and adaptation to new platforms, the purpose of the change was to make even more effective and direct communication. In two clicks, the user has on the screen of your phone, tablet or computer information on the tools of the Calcgraf according to the segment in which it operates. This is the key differentiator for the new site, according to Karina Escobar, Director of Calcgraf. "The doubts and needs of the packaging branch, for example, are quite different from those who work with books and magazines. Understand this scenario, set both the design of the portal as the content to make browsing more intuitive and more complete user experience. " The new portal, the person concerned finds all solutions and management tools of Calgraf explained in a clear and objective manner, taking into account the specificities of each segment. The layout of customer area has also been enhanced, facilitating contact with the Calcgraf service channels, including remote access. The free service was kept classified, gathering information about vacancies for those looking for placing on the market and for those looking for professional, ads for buying and selling equipment and service offerings. Very sought after in the last three years the classifieds on the site of the Calcgraf totaled more than 1 million hits, with an average of 40000 hits per month.
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