quinta-feira, 15 de março, 2018

Chocolaterias menu adapted to suit all pockets

With a greater focus on volume than average ticket, stores that specialize in chocolates wait at least 10% grow in 2018 in the Easter sales. For them, the diversification of products, presenteáveis and options with higher cost-benefit ratio are the big bet to leverage your results during the period. "Economic recovery is accelerated and we're still at the beginning. I believe that companies will make your proposal for growth, but without very high investment ", says the Executive Director of the Group, Lisa Bittencourt Bandyopadhyay. Caution the Executive, takes into account the large fall in chocolate production in recent years. According to the Brazilian Association of the Industry of Chocolates, cocoa, peanuts, hard candies and derivatives (Abicab), in 2017, the production amounted to 38% drop in the volume of Easter 2016. Even though projections show signs of recovery, the speed will be slow. An example are the temporary hires for the production were 5.9 percent lower than last year. The fall, however, was lower than that observed in 2017, of 15%. "So presenteáveis packaging to a lower cost of sale shall continue being strategy", put Bandyopadhyay. The industrial Director Ofner, Alexandre Martins, comments that the projection for Easter is growth in excess of 20%. However, he pointed out that the readjustments of the Easter products should vary from 0% to 3%. According to him, the strategy in response not only to an adaptation of the consumer's pocket, but also to increased competition and the change of the client profile, increasingly informed and demanding to the price. "He compares how many bars are worth an egg", exemplifies. The Cocoa and the CRM Group – which owns brands Copenhagen and Brazil-Cocoa Chocolates also adopted the tactic. "We don't believe in the ticket increase, but the increase in volume," said the Vice President of marketing and sales of Cocoa Show, Aelius France and Silva. The company had 14% high in 2017 Easter sales and this year expects to grow 20%. "We're in a fairly wide line that goes from R $7.99 a R $64.90." In the CRM group – who performed a production of 20 percent more chocolates – some products will also keep the tables. "We will look at all types of pocket and consumption in both brands," said the Group's marketing director, Joydeep port. In Copenhagen, for example, diversification goes through larger ticket products like Egg Pandora that brings a "toast" brand of jewelry products accessible. This year, the brand launched five products Keep Kop in a more functional and less disbursements (R $19.90). Yet the tactic to diversify, the brand also expects an increase in sales with the consolidation of its children's products. "By October we had no line except in seasonal times," said Joydeep. According to her, the search for higher quality products and nutritional composition does not occur only in adult products. "This concern with the label, to see what does well, generates a fairer competition for product quality. When the comparison is price, who puts more sugar takes advantage, "says Martins da Ofner. All brands interviewed stated that have increased the number of products with appeal of healthiness and that meet consumers with food restriction. According to them, the demand for these lines has grown so fast. Lisa, Bittencourt, group also believes that in 2018 there will be a considerable increase in the number of products that utilize co-branding and licensing strategies, as a way to expand the customer base and keep track of the change in the profile of the young. "We see this not only in higher-value products as well as in the mainstream," he says. In Cocoa, Show giveaways will not only for children but also for adults. Other trends cited by she is the investment of experience at the point of sale and the expansion of distribution channels. On Ofner, Malik told that tiered channels represent 20% of sales at Easter, unparalleled value to 80% of the physical stores. However, these fast-growing media. In 2017 represented 14%. The channels are: temporary spaces in shopping malls, in-company sales, trucks and direct sales [e-commerce released last year and teleshopping]. "In 2017 were 10 temporary spaces and are now 12," said Malik. In all, the company will increase by 15% the number of temporary workers. Also with investment in online sales and price diversification, the Cau 30% expected high of Chocolates in Easter sales, according to the spokesman, Nathalia Souza.
DCI - 14/03/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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