terça-feira, 02 de outubro, 2018

New cocktail saborizado of Salton has bottle of Verallia

Salton Winery features the most worthy, new cocktail based on malt whisky saborizado with honey or cinnamon. Ready for consumption in shots, on the rocks or to draw up other drinks, the newness of Salton comes in the bottle produced by Verallia, manufacturer of glass containers for food and beverages. With 900 ml dropper bottle and closure of Verallia, amber in color, has finely tuned and save neck label. The design of the bottle was developed based on the market trends of global gin and sight the young audience to which the drink is intended. The new product from Salton is based on relaxation and in the spirit of Explorer Millennials. "There is a boom in investment from big brands in distillates saborizados. The market is large, curious. And we had all the tools for the production of a quality product in Brazil ", says Maurício Salton, President of the winery. The cocktail is made with a select malt whiskey which has been aged for two years in oak barrels, together with a refined alcohol, enriched with the aromas and flavors of the purest honey (Honourable) or natural extract of cinnamon (Honourable Cinnamon) . The Raison Pure, brand workshop of the French multinational group Team Créatif, created the positioning and packaging, as well as the character "Honourable Mr President". The new line is positioned under the brand name that is more than 80 years the portfolio of Salton.
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