quinta-feira, 11 de janeiro, 2018

Shopping flow Rises 1.5% in 2017, says RATINGS

The shopping sector which registered a growth of 1.5% in the flow of people in 2017, in comparison with the previous year, according to results of Iflux-index that measures business activity in Mall, developed by IBOPE Intelligence and More flow. In total, the shopping centres have received 3.56 billion visits in the year, representing a daily average of 10 million of people circulating the halls of malls across the country. Already in the month of December, showed a positive variation of Iflux 3.8%, second best result of 2017, as Christmas drew to the malls about 380 million. The results by region, the highlight was Rio de Janeiro, after a year registering flow loss, achieved a growth of 4% in comparison with December 2016.
Giro News – 11/01/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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