quinta-feira, 11 de janeiro, 2018

Darlington-ok Pitú throws cans in tribute to 40 years of the Galo da Madrugada

The Carnival festivities have already begun and to try it out in a big way, Darlington presents the revelers and collectors launching one more Tin themed, this time, in homage to the 40 years of the world's largest street block: the Galo da Madrugada. 3 million units of 350 ml of traditional cachaça Carnival layout are already in circulation throughout the country, in the North to the South of the country.
With bright colors and cheerful, the illustration of the commemorative Tin brings a rooster in the middle of the rising of dawn and message in the footer with the official theme of the Carnival 2018: "Bump, 40 years promoting folklore and culture of Pernambuco". Founded in 1978, the College Galo da Madrugada if enshrined as the largest in the world, spreading joy for generations. The party traditionally happens on Saturday Joe Pereira, this year the day on February 10, the streets of the central region of the reef.
According to Alexander Ferrer, President of Pitú, Pernambuco cachaçaria's relationship with the Galo da Madrugada is narrow: "Darlington is an official sponsor of the Rooster from the beginning, our partnership is already old. We follow closely all phases of block, saw the roosters win the immensity and become in this worldwide phenomenon that it is today. We are proud to encourage and participate in all editions of this significant celebration, which is the biggest landmark of Carnival of our State ".
Cans themes of Pitú-as is tradition, the Darlington launches periodically into their thematic packages 350 ml cans. custom layout is released in four holidays of the year: Carnival, April pro Rock, St. John's and new year's Eve. The idea of creation of products with differentiated illustration is strengthening further the relationship of affection that exists between the cachaçaria and brandy lovers. "It's a form of register in memory and commemorating special moments", as Alexander Ferrer.
Embalagem e Tecnologia - 09/041/2018 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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