segunda-feira, 25 de setembro, 2017

With the fall in production, Brazil matters more cocoa in 16 years, says FCStone

SAO PAULO (Reuters)-Brazil imported 54000 tonnes of cocoa in the first six months of the year, the highest level of the last 16 years, due to the fall in production and the low levels of stocks, said the consultancy INTL FCStone in a note on Friday.
"With a little favorable weather damaging crops cacaueiras in Bahia, brazilian cocoa production in the first half of 2017 was impacted," said the think tank, adding that it was the second worst performance of the past seven years for the period.
Off-season rains in Bahia, which in 2015/16 crop produced 66% of Brazil's cocoa, have damaged the crop.
Nationally, the production was estimated at 65000 tons, the second-worst in the last seven years, exceeding only last year, when 45000 tonnes were harvested after a break in Bahia harvest due to drought.
The Brazil is important in global production of cocoa, but it has been a net importer of the commodity, because the internal demand is greater than the harvest.
Reuters - 23/09/2017
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