segunda-feira, 07 de agosto, 2017

Habib''s renews and mira new markets

São Paulo-before the crisis, the fast-food network Habib''s quest to diversify operations to maintain margins. With annual turnover around £ $2 billion, the firm now invests in large complexes, which include the flags Ragazzo and Habib''s, in addition to a new segment within the retail: gas stations.
"We are ushering in a Radial Avenue East complex, which will feature a shop, Habib''s we''re calling of Habib''s Convenience, a shop, restaurant, Ciaran and a gas station, with a flag called '' H '': Post h. we are entering this segment. He will be the first in a series. We already have six or eight points negotiated to build these complex this year ", says the CEO of Habib''s, Mauro Saraiva.
In search of new markets, Habib''s decided to put into practice a plan from the beginning of this decade, when the founder of Alberto Saraiva flertara network with the ability to invest in fuel stations. With high profitability of convenience stores linked to fuel stations, the company saw a way to join business with pleasure. "We offer quality food at an affordable price, and with the gas station. But, we don''t want to have just the gas stations. Our goal is to be a complex that offers the complete experience: restaurant, convenience store and gas station, "says Sami.
High drumsticks
After Bill R $2 billion last year, the Alsaraiva Group, owner of the fast-food brands Habib''s and Ragazzo, intends to raise its sales by 10% in 2017. With 28 years of existence, the group now redouble attention to growth of Ragazzo, fast-food Italian who single-handedly ever invoice some R $360 million per year, and employs 3500 people. "Ragazzo is a young yet, but a long time: 25 years. In 2005, the brand has become franqueável, and from there to here, the store has been growing and expanding Ragazzo, "said Saraiva.
Recently, the Alsaraiva Group started to invest in a more compact and affordable concept to Ragazzo. Located at strategic points, with large flow of pedestrians, Ragazzo Express already has 150 units spread between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in little more than a year. The company''s plan is to reach 200 shed express operations of Ragazzo until the end of 2017.
"Ragazzo Express has a smaller format to ensure penetration and spraying. As this is a newly created format, the company saw fit to develop it in the format of stores, up to consolidate the brand, the format and the operation. Is a flag that we are not yet franqueando ", says the Executive to the DCI.
While the competitors in the fast-food business seek to innovate their formats of shops, Habib''s attempts to keep up. For this year, the company is investing about R $80 million in inaugurations and modernisation of existing network operations. "We have a new concept stores deployment and consumer experience that is in practice two years ago. Is a project made by an international company of branding, to bring the brand closer to the current moment we are living. This requires a high investment. Our intention is that in two years, tops, all the stores are Habib''s already affected by this new standard. The consumer is responding frequently, making the billing of the reformed stores 30% to grow 50%, "says Sami.
In addition, Habib''s wants to establish as one of the major delivery platforms in Brazil. Today, the company carries out 4.5 million applications a year. Without any partnership with other applications, the network has a customer in real time to deal with problems in the applications.
DCI - 07/08/17
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