terça-feira, 13 de junho, 2017

The Body Shop will grow in Latin America

Natura believes that there is room to expand the business of The Body Shop network in Latin America and also to explore the direct sales channel with that mark, according to the international Vice President of the company, Robert Chatwin.
In a teleconference with analysts and investors yesterday, the Executive considered that these would be the medium-term growth opportunities for the business, whose acquisition Natura hopes to finalize later this year.
According to the Executive, less than 3% of the operation of The Body Shop is in direct selling, model today explored in the United Kingdom and in Australia only.
Chatwin said that, in the short term, the focus of the Natura will be in the performance of the Christmas sales, but said that there are already plans to invest in capture of synergies between the Group''s brands
DCI - 12/06/2017 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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