terça-feira, 13 de junho, 2017

OPEN courses-& logistics (Presential and Online)

The goal of the course is to provide the participant grants to aid in understanding the size of logistics activities in supply chain for consumer goods with a focus on the role played by the packaging.
Check out some topics of the course:
1. Logistics chain
2. Transport packaging
3. Geometric Dimensioning and structural of cardboard boxes
4. Inefficiencies in the supply chain
5. Reverse-Logistics concepts and scope

June 23, 8:30 at 6:00 pm, at the offices of the OPEN
Rua Oscar Freire, 379-cj. 152-São Paulo
Teacher: Maria Helena Resnitzky
Teacher at the Senai Theobaldo de Nigris
Coordinator of the Education Committee of the OPEN
More information: Camila Carbonelli-11 3060-5516 | eventos@abre.org.br
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