terça-feira, 20 de junho, 2017

Grocery boxes can become obsolete

Imagine this scene in the future: you walk into a store and are greeted by name by a computer that uses facial recognition and directs it to the items you need. The location, small, only works with samples, you wave the phone to what you want to buy and leave the store. After that, seek their robots in the warehouse items and deliver them into your House, via cars without drivers or drones.
Buying last week by Amazon American network of supermarkets Whole Foods (specializing in healthy food) for $ $13.4 billion can speed up the process for this vision to become a reality.
Amazon''s entry into the world of Commerce, at the end of the years 1990, almost all purchases require less time waiting and less interaction with employees-and now she can do the same for the world of supermarkets. She is already auditioning in Seattle (United States), near your seat, with a store salesmen or queues.
When we think of replacing human labor with robots, we usually think of factories and large deposits. But the next functions that must end are much closer to our daily obligations: retail workers and attendants in stores and restaurants.
For many years, economists argued that jobs in factories and were vulnerable to administrative automation, but that jobs in the service and knowledge were safe.
That''s because these functions require human abilities that are difficult for a machine to imitate, as critical capacity and adaptability. These skills are useful when an Executive establishes a business strategy or when a restaurant chef fries an egg for a client, while another prefers he stirred.
But it''s increasingly clear that parts of each work will be affected by automation-and that the service sector should be next. Although some posts in the area of services still appear to be safe (as a nurse or teacher of children''s education), other (those involving retail and food segment, for example) are already being replaced.
Is not very difficult to teach a machine to do routine tasks, such as reading bar codes, replace products on shelves or put chips in oil. According to McKinsey study, half of the time spent by salesmen and involves tasks that can be automated by existing technologies-in the case of workers, that number increases to two-thirds.
In the case of markets, according to the consultancy, the economy with the replacement would be three times the expense, which makes it more likely (although be wary of these estimates) that this Exchange be quick.
Supermercado Moderno - 19/06/2017
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