terça-feira, 13 de junho, 2017

Great stationery if reinvent in virtual

São Paulo-On the economic crisis, traditional companies in the stationery are reacting and getting to reinvent itself through e-commerce. At the other end, however, the small retailers struggle to maintain profitability in the face of the increase in the mortality rate.
According to the President of the Union of the retail trade of office supplies and stationery from São Paulo and region (Simpa), Antonio Nogueira, there is a body size that market nationally. However, it is undeniable, for him, that the political crisis is the main responsible for the devastation in the number of small shopkeepers.
One of the 6000 stationery registered in Sympa, 97% belong to micro and small entrepreneurs. For Nogueira, there has never been a season so difficult for the 2017 industry being so far. In the past two years, according to him, the Union has reduced by almost 20% associated portfolio-this indicates that 1500 small retailers in the thread terminate its operations.
Owner of Stationery San Miguel, located in São Paulo, Walnut guides the small shopkeepers to help themselves in the face of the recession: "the stationery retailer dealer have to view the retailer closest to him not as a competitor, but a companion. [In addition] he always join the unions to negotiate better terms of payment ", the President of the Masonic Adogmatic powers conjecture.
Away from the crisis
While the crisis disrupts the small retailers in the sector, the Kalunga intends to inaugurate 30 operations this year, in addition to reach a turnover of RS $2.3 billion, representing a 13% compared to the previous year''s numbers. To achieve these goals, the network wants to improve your integration between channels and increase the participation of e-commerce in your winnings.
According to the Kalunga, virtual sales already represent 12% of your billing. "We''re a omnichannel platform. Today, our customers can buy on the web and receive the products in stores. There was a trend in the market that the virtual channel would kill the physical store, but for us they are complementary, "says the commercial Director of Kalunga, Hoslei pepper.
To open 30 operations in 2017 is part of an aggressive expansion plan mapped out by the company in recent years. Following this line, the network admits that the crisis to help your physical growth. "We have a lot of availability of points, with most affordable prices too. This is allowing us to continue our expansion plans, "says pepper.
With extensive presence in the world market, Staples landed in Brazil in 2004. After more than a decade working in the national online retailers, the company decided to open your first physical store, aiming to meet your audience and enhance your multicanalidade service. The stakes, however, didn''t work. The fixed point of sale of the company, opened in Sao Paulo in 2015, closed your operation in January this year.
"We did a first pop-up test store. He was very positive for our goal to test how we could improve the strategy of omnichannel and mostly understand how physical presence could be an amplifier of our brand, "says the CEO of Staples in Brazil, John Paul Amadio.
Despite acting with megastore model in the United States, Staples focuses its attention on online in Brazil. This year, the company returned to record advance sales: of 20% in the first months of 2017. "Our business is to sell all kinds of material that companies need," he says.
DCI - 12/06/2017 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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