segunda-feira, 19 de junho, 2017

GPA and Braskem Will Produce recyclable packaging

Braskem and Grupo GPA will recycle 60 tons of plastic per year to produce the new packaging of the stain stick Qualitá, unique brand marketed in Extra Sugar Loaf and networks across the country. The partnership is part of Wecycle platform, created by petrochemical, for recovery of plastic waste in the production chain and integrates the program of reverse logistics of the GPA, the new again. The initiative will use the discarded materials at stations installed in hyper and supermarkets of the GPA (Extra networks and Pão de Açúcar), which are donated to the program partner cooperatives.
New program again the GPA the partnership represents a new step of the program "New again" the GPA, you can reenter the productive cycle and long-life packaging papers collected in Extra stores recycling Stations and sugar loaf. The cooperatives responsible for separation of these materials have a partnership promoted by the GPA of the material to a factory responsible for making Qualitá product packaging and Taeq. Of all the material collected, 75% of the composition is cellulose, which is transformed again in role in the industry. Today, the company has 184 points, receiving about of 2 million pounds of recyclable materials each year. The collection is made for more than 40 co-ops across the country
Giro News - 13/06/2017
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