terça-feira, 27 de junho, 2017

Footwear and clothing receive most of the FGTS funds

São Paulo-among the most pressured by the economic recession, the garment and footwear branches received the bulk of the amount intended for retail in the use of dormant accounts of the FGTS by population. The estimate is that together, this thread has received R $2.9 billion, or 40% of the total intended for trade.
The data are part of a survey of the National Confederation of Commerce (CNC) and point to an injection of R $7.3 billion in retail from the sacking of dormant accounts, approved earlier this year by the federal Government.
Despite the relief to the sector, the CNC, Economist Fabio Bentes, States that the solution is, and does not form a palliative setting strong enough to support the resumption of retail. "Although the resources from inactive FGTS accounts are fulfilling important role in reactivation of the consumption in Brazil, the partial recovery of the retail during the year is included in a broader framework of deceleration of prices and improvement in credit conditions," he says.
The Economist points out that the consolidation of the industry as a whole depends on the general economic activity growth and its positive reflections on the conditions of the labour market.
Similarly shares the Board member of the Association of Textile Retail of Pernambuco, and owner of clothing Fashion network, Flavio Caetano.
"We feel the increase in purchases in the last two months, and we believe the advancement to the FGTS movement, however, the losses that have occurred in the last two years are still a long way from being recovered," said he to the DCI.
The entrepreneur''s perspective is that, at the current rate, the seven network stores report stable revenues, compared to last year. "Nevertheless show that the crisis is deepening, we won''t be able to recover 15% of lost turnover for the last two years," summed up.
Then, hyper and supermarkets received about 28.5% of R $7.3 billion (equivalent to little more than R $2 billion). The result
Durable goods
The third retail sector more benefited from the use of the FGTS money will be to furniture and appliances. According to the CNC sector received some R $802,500,000, or 11.3%.
The movement in this segment was already expected by the market, since there is a repressed demand of consumers, that hold spending on higher value-added items in the last two years.
The expectation, however, is that the amount also is not enough to mark a resumption of movement to segment this year.
"I believe that the more conditioned to credit continue with slow performance, we realized that customers less inclined to pay shopping, afraid of unemployment," he added, fashion
Other numbers
According to data from the federal Government, the rendered value between May and April amounted to 43% of the amount withdrawn (R $16.6 billion, according to the Caixa Econômica Federal). The result is equivalent to 6.2% of sales bimonthly in positively impacts by injecting capital. Only in April, when they were allowed the looting to beneficiaries born between March and may, were drawn R $11.1 billion. "This amount corresponded to more than double the R $5.5 billion reported by Caixa Economica Federal in March, and raised in R $4.56 billion retail sales", details the note of CNC. The sectors of pharmacies, building material, articles of personal use and Office material were also impacted.
DCI - 26/06/2017
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