segunda-feira, 05 de junho, 2017

5àSec grows and wants to conquer the younger

São Paulo-despite the 16% growth registered by the segment of cleaning and maintenance franchises in the first quarter of the year, 5àSec, one of the largest networks of franchises of laundries, decided to go after new customers. The focus are young men who live alone and have no time for the activities of the home.
Specialist in the treatment of clothing and textile products, the network outlined a plan to open 21 new units by Brazil until the end of 2017, aiming to keep the 5% growth in sales recorded in the first four months of the year.
But the focus on new audiences is at the heart of the company''s strategy. "The plans include attracting consumers. Today, 15% of our customers are young and we started campaigning to make the brand more attractive to this audience, "says the franchise 5àSec''s Director, Alex Quezada.
To encourage this trend, after a period of testing in some units, the network launched a new service called '' bag '', where customers can put as many clothes as possible in a big bag and the company washes, dries and passes by $99.
According to the Executive, the franchises that accompanied this period of testing, they obtained significant gains in sales from January to April this year. "Stores that participated in the pilot test, had a growth of 28% [Sales]. Part of it comes from the bag. We did this test and he also brought a greater diversification of products; There has been an increase of parts and the decrease of the concentration on shirts-representing 35% of our service, "he says.
Another bet of the company is the delivery service, which aims to facilitate the daily lives of consumers, and is currently used by 45% of customers. "In some places, we rode parts collection points. The idea is to be at strategic points, "he says.
Created in France in 1968, 5àSec only came to Brazil in 1994, but already has 438 operations currently. Between franchisees and masterfranqueados, the network projects finish the year with the opening of over 21 units. Looking for new partners, each unit costs between R $200,000 and R $380,000, and feature a monthly revenue in the range of R $30000 R $150,000. According to the Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF), there were 16% high in sales of cleaning and maintenance segment in the first quarter, moving R $249,000,000.
DCI - 05/06/2017 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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