segunda-feira, 22 de maio, 2017

Anvisa prohibits sale Brand peanut butter cups batch

Anvisa forbade this Wednesday (17/5), throughout the national territory, of lots of peanut butter cups Dicel brand, after an internal audit of the company confirming the presence of when aflatoxins can be formed above the limit tolerated by the law.
The Health Department still requires the manufacturer to promote the collection of the product in question on the market, something which, according to their own agency, is already being done by the company on a voluntary basis.
In a note to the gate examination, the manufacturer claims that "all the paçocas, regardless of the lot, were withdrawn from the market. We pulled this item (NAW Cork) on the market. We don''t work more with this item ".
Supermercado Moderno - 19/05/2017
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