quinta-feira, 13 de abril, 2017

FCDLESP: Easter should grow 5% in sales

According to speculations of the Federation of Chambers of store managers in the State of São Paulo (FCDLESP), 80% of retailers indicate that, with increased sales, that will be up to 5%. The remaining 20%, believe that it is possible to get between 5% and 10%, however, with average tickets purchase underwhelming-up R$ 30.00. To 50%, the consumer is cautious in relation to the amount invested to give this Easter. "It will be a balanced date in that it will not be big changes in retail. The average ticket searched in major State CDLs points up to r $30.00 ", says FCDLESP, Mauricio Stainoff.
Giro News - 11/04/2017 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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