quinta-feira, 09 de março, 2017

PepsiCo does not confirm negotiations with Force

The answer is short: "PepsiCo doesn''t comment speculation and rumors". That is the message of the drinks and snacks giant to the news published on Wednesday, 08, in the newspaper about a negotiation between the company and the holding company J&F, owner of the Force, for the purchase of dairy operation (the Force, for your time, holds 50% of the shares of Itambé mining; the other half belongs to the Central Cooperative of Farmers of Minas Gerais). Wanted by the Middle story & message, the J&F was even more succinct: "J&F no comments," said through your press office.
According to the publication that specializes in business, PepsiCo would''ve made two offers for the Force, the latest of R $6 billion, but the J&F remains reluctant, because still expects to raise this value and be inclusive, negotiating with other companies, as the French for Lactalis. It is no secret that the J&F intends to dispose of the dairy operation. Today, the company has devoted attention and investment companies like the Original Bank, JBS (owner of Friboi), Eldorado and Sneakers.
PepsiCo already, with the acquisition, would follow in a portfolio diversification, since your main asset, the sodas are losing market in the world, with the trend of healthy living – according to the value, PepsiCo already owns dairy operations in Russia, Eastern Europe and Germany. Attentive to this same problem, Coca-Cola bought, at the end of 2015, the Green Field mining, diet products and light.
To enter the Brazilian market the Greek yogurt, the Force if renewed and gained strength. In 2015, the operation of Itambém, recorded revenues of 5.21 billion R$.
Meio & Mensagem - 08/03/2017
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