segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro, 2017

Retailers must prioritize mobile for online sales in 2017

The mobile will be the main channel for online sales in 2017. Most retailers must prioritize the digital environment, while consumers will have more confidence in shopping with higher added value through smartphones. The data is the Digital Commerce report Marketing Outlook of 2017 & Criteo, which also points out the Paid Search as a key channel for customers and advertising on video, which must raise the potential of the media programme.
"Last year, we hit the jackpot a few predictions as, for example, the increase in journeys of multi-device, the largest purchase web influence on offline purchases, among others. Our goal is to promote the market with relevant and strategic information, as well as enhance our own products to meet the new realities ", explains Fernando Tassinari, Director of Criteo in Brazil.
Shopping with mobile devices
Consumers will make purchases with high added value for mobile devices. Last year, the desktop led these sales, but in 2017, consumers will feel equally comfortable to perform this type of smartphone purchase. In the second half of 2016, the average ticket orders placed via móveisfoi 27% more applications in relation to made on computers. In the same period, the sales with the use of browsers on mobile phones was only 9% lower compared to those made via desktop.
Paid Search
In 2017, retailers should invest more in ads on Google Shopping format, also known as Product Listing Ads (or PLAs, the acronym in English), and expand the search engines to improve the discovery and the conversion of customers. As the format Paid Search becomes more competitive and advertisers become more sophisticated targeting capabilities and assigning the channels of high investment will bring the best results.
Programmatic Media
This year, the media will be used not only for programmatic buy video ads, but also to automate the creation and optimization. Thousands of variations of video ads dynamically generated will allow marketers to run highly targeted campaigns, customized for each individual.
Budgets and funding
Increasingly, the brands will require accurate and impartial measures ROI to measure large amounts of money direct to retailers. Sales and marketing budgets of manufacturers must converge as consumers become more identifiable in platforms and media. The competition for resources will increase as estimates approach of branding and performance goals.
Mobile first
The Western market will prioritize the mobile instead of the desktop. Retailers who are leaders and have maturity in mobile web already understand 39% more compared to conversions that are not yet in that environment. Currently, Asia (especially China) is the world leader in mobile sales contribution, in addition to driving innovation in the industry, providing a far superior experience to users.
Propmark - 10/02/2017
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