quarta-feira, 01 de fevereiro, 2017

Organic market grows 20% in 2016, with revenues of r $3 billion

The national organic market grew 20% in 2016, with estimated revenues of r $3 billion, reported on Tuesday, 31, in a statement, the National Council of the Organic and Sustainable Production (Body), on the basis of available data on retail sales and organic production. Even as the Council, the billing was lower before 2015, due to the economic crisis.
Exports, 54 companies to Brazil – stimulus project Organics to exports of thread-closed with $145 million in 2016 foreign sales, 9.5% lower value compared to the designed, as a result of the exchange rate fluctuation. "The export amount, however, were 15% higher," said the Council. For 2017, it is expected to grow 10% in foreign shipments.
"The expectation for 2017 is to improve the consumption environment in Brazil, despite the slow resumption of the economy. The wellness sector provides the organic, as demonstrated by the increase in local fairs (more than 600) and the increased supply of products in supermarkets and emporiums across the country, "explains the Director of the Organis and Organics, Brazil Ming Liu.
Milk Point - 01/02/2017
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