sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro, 2017

Johnnie Walker WINS limited edition packaging created by Pawel Nolbert

Diageo, in partnership with the Agency Love (with offices in New York and Paris), presents a limited edition Johnnie Walker whiskey with packaging created by artist Pawel Nolbert.
The idea was to create six projects to be applied to the entire range of variants: Johnnie Walker Red Label, Black Label, Double Black, Gold Label, Green Label and Platinun Label.
The result of the collaboration is a selection of gift packaging with limited edition available worldwide.
The purpose of packaging was to show the diversity of the entire line and illustrate the progression and refinement of all labels – ranging from Red Label, the most basic, even the most premium Platinum Label.
Were created six "master" different visuals, plus additional graphics capabilities, to be used exclusively on packaging and marketing materials. A resource library of base paint, according to color and flavor profiles of all labels. Then, artistic compositions were developed using these built-in features with the bottles.
"We made a bold move, to replace the original label, in angle of 24 degrees (historically, Johnnie Walker label is applied on the bottle in this Ang) with a DAB, which is the central part of the composition of the painting", explains the artist. "The challenge was to build six compositions of strokes only, while the central part has remained quite consistent in all variants," says Nolbert.
The new design is available in steel cans, with a bottle, and in sets that include card and paper cups. The package won a premium finish, with tactile relief and metallization.
Embalagem Marca - 16/02/2017
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