quarta-feira, 08 de fevereiro, 2017

Big brands bypassed crisis and grew 11% in 2016

São Paulo-even in a year of national retail shrinkage, the major networks of pharmacies and drugstores have maintained double-digit growth. According to the Brazilian Association of Pharmacies and Drugstores (Abrafarma), the associated R$ 39.46 moved 27 billion in 2016, up 11.03% over the previous year.
"The networks have made high investments in logistics and distribution centers, and can negotiate directly with manufacturers to offer the best prices to consumers," says the Chief Executive Officer of the entity, Sérgio Mena Barreto.
In 2016, the generic drugs influenced the result on the ground of breach of patents and the fall of income of the population. According to the entity, the generic moved $4.66 billion-high of 13.87% compared to the previous 12 months, being sold 293 million units.
The data, compiled by the FIA-USP pointed out that trade in medicines accounted for R$ 26.61 billion in the period, a high of 10.93% from 2015. Already the sale of medicines not totaled R$ 12.85 billion during the 12 months of the year, advancing 7.41%. "The crisis has caused the slowdown in the sector. In times of crisis, consumers no longer buy items that are not necessities, "says Barreto. The segment represents 32.56% of total revenues of associated networks.
DCI - 07/02/2017
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