quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro, 2017

About 3 million of drones should be sold this year, says Gartner

The drones must grow considerably in 2017: according to Gartner Consulting, forecast the market for unmanned aerial vehicles must sell about of 3 million units this year--a growth of 39% if compared with the total of 2016.
In all, the market must also grow in billing: throughout this year, the sale of drones should move $6.05 billion in growth of 34% in comparison with last year, in which the drones made $4.5 billion. For 2020, the forecast is that the sector has a turnover $11.2 billion.
According to Gartner analysts, the main factor of growth for the market will be the fall in prices of equipment, which will boost your demand for home users-to all, must be sold to final consumers drones 2,800,000, representing more than 90% of the total market.
According to the consultancy, the primary use of personal drones will be to make photographs, selfies and other entertainment options--are devices that weigh less than 2 kg and is priced less than $5000.
"The personal drones are going so well that many manufacturers are using these devices to break into the corporate market, in features such as security and 3D mapping," said Gerald van Hoy, Gartner research analyst, in a note distributed to the press.
O Estado de S. Paulo - 15/02/2017 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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