segunda-feira, 11 de dezembro, 2017

Only half of the Bills for the Black Friday was paid

More than half of purchases made with Bank during the Black Friday has not yet been paid. In addition, the means of payment had little appeal in the promotional date this year, representing only 5% of applications.
The data are part of a study of MundiPagg, a company specialized in e-commerce transactions. The survey measured purchases made between 24 and 27 November and showed that only 5% were made with Bank. Of these, 54% had not yet been paid by the beginning of the week, more than ten days after the completion of the event.
"The withdrawals are more frequent in this means of payment because many choose to pay the Bills at the Bank, generating a long enough interval to the reflection of those who bought on impulse," explains the President of MundiPagg, John Barcellos, by way of note. He also highlighted that the number of unpaid bills can be reduced in the coming weeks, since many stores put expiration in 30 days.
The Bank, explains the company, is a bet of retailers to encourage sales in sight, some receive discount sales for the day following payment, unlike a credit card sale, which has the first installment paid after 30 days.
High on orders
MundiPagg's research showed that, in General, there has been an increase of 20.5% in the number of orders carried out on Black Friday this year, with average ticket R $500. The company processed more than 2400 requests per minute at peak hours and 100,000 orders per hour.
DCI - 11/12/2017
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