sexta-feira, 15 de dezembro, 2017

Ecorodovias sells Elog R $90 million

The EcoRodovias Infraestrutura and logistics signed with the Multilog to sell 100% of the share capital of Elog group company and one of the largest logistics operators of Brazil. The total value of the deal sum R $90 million, with liquidation in 84 monthly installments, equal and successive, corrected by the update of the ICD, as from the date of closing.
The completion of the sale, however, depends on the transfer of quotas of Ecopátio Logística Cubatão (Ecopátio), the company's intermodal logistics platform for the Multilog and payment of the entire debt of Elog.
Located on the shores of Highway Canon Domenico Rangoni, 18 km from the right bank of the port of Santos, 22 kilometers from your left margin and 50 km from the Capital, the Ecopátio also current as regulator of maritime complex courtyard. With 443,000 square meters (138,000 square meters only for your patio), the unit has 3500 places for trucks and trailers.
With the transfer of Ecopátio shares and the discharge of the debt of Elog, EcoRodovias will sell all the operating units of the company, which employs 530 employees and include three logistics centres and customs (CLIAs industrial, in Campinas, São Paulo and Santos, on region of Alemoa), a dry port (in Alphaville, Barueri), a distribution centre (also in Alphaville) and the South-East transport operation (except Ecopátio).
The sale of Elog is in line with the Group's strategy to focus the EcoRodovias assets of road concessions.
The completion of the disposal is subject to the verification of certain conditions precedent, including the prior approval of the internal revenue service of Brazil and of the Administrative Council for economic Defense (Cade).
Infomet - 15/12/2017 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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