quinta-feira, 30 de novembro, 2017

BTG will use national company to grow in the adhesives industry

After two years of restructuring, BTG wants to accelerate the expansion of the CCRR, one of the leading manufacturers of labels and stickers of the country, controlled by one of its funds. The company, which must register the first profit since the Bank became a partner in 2011, now plans to leave for the purchase of rivals, intensifying so your growth process.
The idea is to acquire smaller companies or who act in complementary segments. There is interest in opportunities in Brazil and in countries of Latin America-the CCRR exports to 11 countries in the region. Some conversations are already underway, says the company's Chairman, Ricardo Wolf. The company also plans to invest in machinery to raise the capacity of the factory in Parana.
In 2017, the revenue should get closer to R $400 million, but the goal is to reach in 2020 with 50% higher revenue. "Can you reach R $1 billion. Gives. With a little more time, "says Wolf.
The spirit derives, in part, of the good prospects for the economy. The expansion plans, however, are only possible after a strong adjustment in the accounts of the company, says the Executive.
"We left a routine that you couldn't plan next week. In crisis, the plan was to pay the Bank and live one day at a time. Now, with no debt and with far less volatile scenario, we start planning. "
One of the bets of the BTG when wanted to round out investments in private equity (slices), the CCRR had no drop in sales despite the recession. But the deepening of the crisis has made the renewal of credit lines and the company found itself with a high debt and face. In 2015, the leverage hit eight times cash flow.
The coordinated solution by BTG, which became controller and today has 85% of the business, included abandoning acting in less profitable segments, such as the production of papers for credit card machines, and all kinds of cost cutting.
On the other hand, the CCRR upped investment in research in an attempt to expand the catalog in a market where foreign competition is intense – the American Avery Dennison's main rival in Brazil.
The team of engineers hired more than doubled. Today there are 20 dedicated to the development of products, such as self-adhesive able to maintain adherence to 40 degrees below zero, demand for refrigerators, or high temperature products, used in the labelling of fruit in the Northeast. A new product is released every 45 days. Are 150 in the portfolio.
The idea, says Wolf, is intensifying this approach, expanding investment, for example, in the production of RFID tags, a species of intelligent bar code, which stores more information on products and has been used extensively for sectors such as retailing. [] The CCRR still bet on sales increase by exploiting the demand for custom labels. The expansion of the sector of craft beers and food supplementation products, for example, pull requests.
Investors. The money to catapult the CCRR expansion will come from new investors or financing, but not of BTG. After unsuccessful bets and the crisis triggered by the arrest of Andre Edwards, one of the partners, the Bank began a program of selling businesses and changed your way of structuring the deal.
Now, private equity investments are all made with third-party resources and bank management fee and profits performance.
O Estado de S. Paulo - 29/11/2017 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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