segunda-feira, 16 de outubro, 2017

Price of rice back the level of 15 years ago

The field continues to be the main responsible for the low rate of inflation. This scenario, however, could cost expensive for consumers in the coming years.
This is what occurs with the rice. The cereal price fell so much that it's lower than that registered in nominal values in some periods of the early years of the Real plan. The shelves of the supermarkets currently have type 1 rice with value less than R $10 per five pounds. For 15 years, the product type 1 package was negotiated to R $10, according to a survey made at the time by Datafolha.
"This is a complicated and unstable," says Nicole Brandalizze, Brandalizze Consulting. The current price of rice pays the cost of production, nor the producer nor the industry. The result will be a selection of producers and companies in this sector. The producers are already beginning to show signs of dismay. This harvest, will dedicate part of the area that would be intended for the production of soy and rice to livestock.
In the case of industry, the minors are not getting sufficient margins on operations and can leave the sector, increasing the concentration of the industrialization of cereal. For Brandalizze, the next year's crop does not repeat the good production of this, when the country produced 12.4 million tons. He gives the reasons for this drop.
Among them, a delay in planting in some parts of the South, the region that holds 70% of the national production. Prices received by producers, even in the off-season, are not favorable. Without recipes, they should use fewer inputs in production, which will result in lower productivity.
Besides the good harvest this year, the Brazilian market was stocked with cereal MERCOSUR, mainly imported from Paraguay. For Brandalizze, Brazil has one of the lowest prices of rice in the world. "In Asia, a region of intense production and consumption, a kilo of rice is $ $1 for the consumer. Here, in Brazil, is at $ $0.60 per pound.
"There's no magic. The loss of revenue in the sector will affect the whole production chain, from farmers to industry. " If it had been fixed according to the average inflation of food of the last 15 years, the price of the package of five kilos of rice today would be in R $27 in São Paulo, as the CPI (consumer price index) of the Fipe (Economic Research Institute Foundation).
Supermercado Moderno - 13/10/2017 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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