terça-feira, 10 de outubro, 2017

Overseas organic market sights Brazil

Is increasing the interest of foreigners for organic and sustainable food companies in Brazil. The most recent acquisition, last week, was the mother earth by Unilever. Has also been harassed the Korin, producer of meats, eggs, coffee and organic vegetables, with expected revenue of R $154 million this year. "We have received queries from both foreign funds as well as domestic enterprises; one of them quite friendly, "says Reginaldo column Morikawa, the Chief Executive Officer. For now, there is no interest to sit down at the table. "If the sale took place would have to be well studied, in order to maintain the characteristics of environmental, social and economic sustainability and especially our philosophical line," he says. The company is linked to the Messianic Church.
Slow and steady. The Korin says it prefers to grow in a sustainable way, with its own resources and financing. "Always within our ability to pay," says Morikawa. The company must grow 15% in 2017. In ten years, has developed a 570%.
In addition to the organic. Until 2019, the feed of Korin in Ipeúna (SP) will receive the bulk of the investment of $130 million which the company reserved R for the period. "We will adapt the premises to produce grain GMO feed, another with organic grains and a third, which will be the novelty, with conventional grain, grown with chemicals but without varieties," says Morikawa.
Chicken out there. Companies that invest in animal welfare have also been harassed by multinationals. The Granja Mantiqueira, receiving proposals of partnerships for the delivery of eggs from chickens created out of cages, the latest line Happy Eggs. Director of operations, Matheus Avelar, says that the company is prepared to increase the squad of "cage free", currently with 600,000 birds.
Is increasing the interest of foreigners for organic and sustainable food companies in Brazil. The most recent acquisition, last week, was the mother earth by Unilever. Has also been harassed the Korin, producer of meats, eggs, coffee and organic vegetables, with expected revenue of R $154 million this year. "We have received queries from both foreign funds as well as domestic enterprises; one of them quite friendly, "says Reginaldo column Morikawa, the Chief Executive Officer. For now, there is no interest to sit down at the table. "If the sale took place would have to be well studied, in order to maintain the characteristics of environmental, social and economic sustainability and especially our philosophical line," he says. The company is linked to the Messianic Church.
Slow and steady. The Korin says it prefers to grow in a sustainable way, with its own resources and financing. "Always within our ability to pay," says Morikawa. The company must grow 15% in 2017. In ten years, has developed a 570%.
In addition to the organic. Until 2019, the feed of Korin in Ipeúna (SP) will receive the bulk of the investment of $130 million which the company reserved R for the period. "We will adapt the premises to produce grain GMO feed, another with organic grains and a third, which will be the novelty, with conventional grain, grown with chemicals but without varieties," says Morikawa.
Chicken out there. Companies that invest in animal welfare have also been harassed by multinationals. The Granja Mantiqueira, receiving proposals of partnerships for the delivery of eggs from chickens created out of cages, the latest line Happy Eggs. Director of operations, Matheus Avelar, says that the company is prepared to increase the squad of "cage free", currently with 600,000 birds.
Seal milk. Nestle, which already must launch a brand of organic milk in the first half of 2019, closed partnership with eight other ranchers in the interior of SÃO PAULO interested in providing sustainable raw material. Until now there are 26 contracted farms with a capacity of 20000 litres per day.
On active duty. The wave of consolidation of agricultural inputs distribution of Brazil is far from over. At least three new operations are under discussion and can be announced until the beginning of 2018, say sources. They involve representatives of Parana, Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais. Among those interested are Brazilian funds Aqua Capital and the American homeland and Arlon.
The cooperative Aurora Foods said no to the Government of Santa Catarina on the possibility of taking the cold of the harvest to plant will be closed by the JBS in Morro Grande, in the South of the State, at the end of this month. But the issue is still on the radar. Agribusiness leaders have asked the Government of Santa Catarina for another company to take over the unit.
In Mato Grosso do Sul, a slaughterhouse in Porto Murtinho, closed two years ago by Marfrig, also cause discomfort. The Governor, Reinaldo Azambuja (PSDB), asked the industry to reopening. The company says only that analyzes opportunities, in line with your growth strategy.
An eye on growing livestock sector technicalization, Case IH has adapted two models of tractors to cater to the industry. The machines carry heavier equipment such as steamers for production of animal feed. For 2018, the segment works with the prospect of a 15% increase in sales to ranchers.
Case tractors without adjustments were already used in livestock deals. Now, with the proper machinery to the thread, the job will be easier, says Marco Ripoli, Director of Product Marketing at Case IH. He confirms that creators seek to increase automation and efficiency, example of what already occurs in agriculture. The expansion of crop-livestock integration system-forest will help boost sales, design Ripoli.
Soy producers should reduce the use of high-tech seed 2017/2018 harvest, says the President of the Association of Brazil''s soybean Producers (Aprosoja Brazil), mark of the rose. One of the reasons are less remunerative prices of the oilseed crop before a year ago. In addition, certain varieties of high performance doubled in price, with the demand in the last harvest.
Estadão – 09/10/2017
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