terça-feira, 10 de outubro, 2017

House of shrimp emits less CO ² and reduces expenses

São Paulo-before the recession, the power House of shrimp net invested in activities that reduce costs and were sustainable. After allocating R $150,000 to the hiring of a renewable energy to the distribution center (DC) and the Central food production (CPA), the company stopped issuing 121.7 tons of CO ².
"This interest appeared at meetings of the Board. We started researching more about the contribution of enterprises to the reduction of CO ² and discovered that 100% clean energy action. The focus of the group is to reduce the emission of pollutants, "says the Manager of engineering, House of shrimp, Azam.
With the investment for your CD and CPA, both located in Cotia (SP), the House of shrimp left 121.7 tons of CO ² in 2016, something equivalent to 848.97 trees planted on a reforestation project in the period of 30 years. The data are of commercial districts, which granted the certificate St-Sinerconsult of renewable energy to the company in August, referring to performance achieved.
"We found that much of the energy provided by Eletropaulo realized not be sustainable, so we spent buying power of the free market; which are companies that provide a 100% renewable energy. We were able to unite the interests of the company to ensure a reduction of CO ² and financials. We have achieved a 30% reduction in the cost of these units ", concludes Naik.
Free market
In search of using a renewable energy source, the House of shrimp resorted to hiring free scope. Also called free market, this model allows the requestor to negotiate prices, amount, terms and other conditions in a more custom-regulated environment, on the other hand, the contractor receives energy from the distribution concessionaires and pay them the Government-controlled rates.
Responsible for the management of approximately 17% of the energy sold in the free market in the country, the Commercial Energy emerges as one of the main players in this segment. Founded in 2001, the company maintains a partnership with the Sinerconsult power management consulting since 2011.
"Companies migrate to the free market and using renewable energy, where these emissions are smaller. We have seen that awareness for sustainability is growing in recent years. In the old days, companies only wanted to know. Today, they understand the importance of coupling a sustainable seal brand. We expect this to continue growing, "argues the President of Va., Christopher Vlavianos.
Relatively cheaper, renewable energy can come from alternative sources, such as biomass, wind, hydro, solar, among others. One of the obstacles to the inclusion of more companies in this contracting model, however, is linked to the minimum energy demand of 500 kW (kilowatt) to be a ' particular ' consumer and 3,000 kW to be a ' free ' consumer.
Outside investment in renewable energy, the two units of House of shrimp are getting an internal modernization. "We began replacing all the light bulbs in the industry and from our Office. Let's replace them with LED lamps. With that, we will have a reduction in electric power consumption at the home of 50% to 70%, "adds Naik. Due to the crisis in the production of shrimp, white spot virus-affected, the network has already invested some R $20 million in lease of farms by the Northeast.
DCI - 10/10/2017
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