terça-feira, 03 de outubro, 2017

Electricity bill goes up in October

The electric bills will have tariff level two flag in October, which will increase costs for consumers, due to low rainfall in the region of dams, which account for most of the power generation in Brazil, said Friday (29/9) Romeo Rufino, Director-General of Aneel ( The national electric energy agency).
"Depending on the hydrological regime very critical, this September was the worst month of September, in terms of flow, the historical series of the electricity sector," said Rufino to journalists.
With the red flag level two, which will be implemented for the first time, there will be an additional charge of R $3.50 every 100 kilowatts-hour in electricity consumed, compared with a charge of 2 in yellow flag in force in September.
According to Rufinus, there is no risk to the electricity supply even with the lack of rainfall, due to the diversification of the energy matrix, with other sources of generation. "The supply, however, is guaranteed, but will have a higher cost," he added.
Rufino said that the consumer of electricity can contribute to the system to reduce your demand at this time of higher costs. Thus, Aneel will promote is a campaign by television and the internet on the conscious use of energy, but it will not be a target for the reduction of demand, said Rufino.
Import the Brazil will also increase imports of electricity along the neighbors Uruguay and Argentina to face the problem of supply. Rufino said that only Argentina can send about 1,000 megawatts of electricity to the country average.
"The importation of Uruguay and Argentina's energy comes in to play with the heat," said Rufino.
The Director of Aneel, however, would not comment if there is expectation of maintenance of the energy bills in the most expensive tariff flag level beyond October.
According to him, it's too early to project the rate flag for the next few months, once the rainy season is in your home with the arrival of spring.
Supermercado Moderno - 02/10/2017
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