quarta-feira, 11 de outubro, 2017

ADM says it will expand production of non-transgenic soybean meal in Germany

HAMBURG (Reuters)-u.s. agribusiness group Archer Daniels Midland said it will make additional investments to produce more soybean meal with high protein content free of genetically modified organisms in your grinding plant in Straubing, Germany.
"The decision to invest in the production of soybean meal with high protein transgenic not is a logical step after the successful implementation of transgenic soy processing unit in may 2016," said Jon Turney, General Manager of soybean processing in Europe ADM, in a note.
"The demand for soybean meal transgenic soy is not growing solidly. With the production of soybean meal with high protein transgenic not, ADM will be able to better meet the needs of its consumers of poultry feed, as well as the feed of pigs and markets dairy products. "
ADM did not disclose more details on the size of the investment or the capacity of the plant.
Reuters – 10/10/2017
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