quarta-feira, 18 de janeiro, 2017

Search for school supplies has already started

There is still almost a month to the start of classes, but demand for school supplies is already intense in the city of Avenues. The stationery celebrate the movement and prepare with diverse options of the same product – all to ensure that all possible budgets can ensure the material for another school year.
Contrary to what many parents imagine, not all stationery stores had increased in their products. Against inflation, some managed to maintain similar prices, if not the same, last year. According to the Manager of Fatima, Rebeca Muliterno, thanks to advance planning, the stationery managed to keep prices at the same level of the previous year. "We have a very early research work with the schools and with the brands that we work. In this way, we plan to not bring increase to consumers ".
For those looking to economize, the basic rule is to search. On the same stationery you can find the same product with different prices-thanks to each tag. A box of crayons 12 colors, for example, can vary from 6.75 to R$ R$ 12.90. And still has the option of crayons 12 colors, three more written by pencil R$ 13.80. Already the cases, can range from R$ to R$ 43.90 8.90 – depending on the brand and theme, the characters tend to be more expensive due to licensing costs.
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