terça-feira, 24 de janeiro, 2017

Sale of white line drops for fourth straight year

Sales of stoves, refrigerators, washers for industry trade gave reverse last year and fell for the fourth consecutive year in number of units. In the projections of the National Association of Manufacturers of electrical and electronic products (Down), sales of household appliances of white line totaled 12,900,000 units in 2016, the lowest level since 2010, when statistics began to be compiled.
The peak sales of refrigerators, stoves and washing machines took place in 2012, when commercialized 18,900,000 units. This large volume of sales was the result of tax concessions granted by the Government to manufacturers, which have reduced the prices of home appliances.
Since then, sales have only dropped year by year and in 2016, retreated about 10 percent from the projections of the President of the entity, Ajit Kiçula. However, there are manufacturers who believe that the fall could have been greater, of the order of 20%.
"We got to the bottom and you can''t fall further," said the President of the power lines. He explains that the companies have wrung out the production, reduced the number and staff and work today with high level of idleness. "The adjustment has been done in 2016," he notes.
Kiçula says this year will be a period of resumption for the appliance market. However, he still doesn''t see objective conditions for an improvement. "We are hoping for a resumption", says the President of Eletros evaluations. At the moment, the chips are deposited in the reduction of interest rates and inflation to inject mood for consumption.
A tarde - 23/01/2017
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