segunda-feira, 16 de janeiro, 2017

JBS prioritizes higher margin and exclusivity with retailers

The fridge JBS wants to expand exclusivity agreements with supermarkets and prioritize the most expensive products to grow in 2017, according to Renato Costa, President of the Division.
The mainstay of the company''s plan is not to increase the volume of production in about 2016, but profit margins. "There is an effort within the company to work with supermarkets and waterways better the value-added products, plus a larger consolidation sales abroad."
The estimation of the JBS is increase of 600 to 700 the number of butchers who sell only meat from the supermarket company. Among current customers are five stores in Bahia Bompreço network, owned by Walmart, and part of the operations of the paranaense Condor.
The strategy of the fridge is to take responsibility for providing and, in return, provide advice on cuts, prices, inventory and waste. "We are at the beginning of talks with major retailers, but we don''t have a State or a specific client targeting," says Listoni Bethlehem, Executive Director in JBS meats.
In addition to enabling competitive advantage, exclusive butchers will be used to increase sales with higher added value. In 2016, the segment accounted for 10% of all production of the company. "This will be the year of the value-added product. We want to raise [that] in 12% to 15%, "says Listoni.
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