terça-feira, 10 de janeiro, 2017

iPhone for ten years and starred in revolution in mobile platform

This Monday (9) celebrate the ten years of release of the iPhone, Apple''s first smartphone. What is celebrated, however, with Apple''s entry in the segment of smart phones (which at that time was still crawling), is a true revolution in modern economics started in the Palm of your hand. Apple has released more than a smartphone: created an object of desire for most of humanity, who helped transform many industries: software, the music, the advertising. And extended to heights unimaginable before the power of communication between people. There is a world before and another after the Apple iPhone.
In the last decade, the mobile market expanded exponentially, driven by growth in Smartphone penetration, faster networks and the world of apps. "I don''t see a single factor being the most important and, Yes, the sum of all, they did show up new markets, new services and new solutions with the growth of social networks, shared economy and distribution methods. The segment of the music took a turn, and also the films of games found in mobile a powerful distribution channel. Large companies, some of the world''s largest, have emerged in the last decade and other major failed to keep up with the changes. The advertising market had and is having to reinvent itself each year with new technological possibilities, but mainly due to the mobile turn access preference of most consumers, "says Rafael Magdalena, President of the IAB Mobile Committee Brazil.
Interestingly, the term smartphone was coined in early 1990, and the concept of smart phones-mobile devices with alternative functions beyond simple execution of calls-was created by the German Frog Design in 1983 and presented, what do you know, the Apple Computers in the first place. That is not interested in the project. In 1994 came the first smartphone in history: the IBM Simon Personal Computer, apparatus with function of personal assistant and functions like calendar, receiving emails, a 1 MB memory card. In 2000, the first unit effectively named smartphone: the Ericsson R380. Then came numerous models: the Blackberry 957, for example, was born in 2001.
The iPhone came on the day American market effectively 29 June 2007, 20 days after the historic announcement by Steve Jobs, Apple''s founder and President. In announcing the iPhone, Jobs stated that every once in a while a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything. Of man, which he introduced revolutionary was fully touchscreen interface and the concept of the app store. Its design followed the history of Apple products: it was beautiful, simple, and very easy to use. Your operating system was the same as Apple computers, with similar possibilities.
The iPhone was announced as three products in one: a widescreen iPod with touch controls, a "revolutionary cell" and a breakthrough internet Communicator. "Today Apple reinvented the phone," Jobs announced, under applause and whistles from an enthusiastic audience. Ironic, he played with the smartphones on the market, not as "smart" and or easy to use, full of buttons and limitations.
Thinner than any other device with a large screen and using your fingers on your command multitouch, iPhone carried the sophisticated software OSX, which gave her the status of a minicomputer with unique possibilities of audio, video and data.
World mobile
The iPhone, with its simple interface and new possibilities of use, turned the phone permanently in the media. After him, all phones walked toward the colorful world of touch screen and applications. "The iPhone has changed everything. Turned the phone into a device of media and marketing. The mobile will represent more than 30% of the total investment in marketing in the coming years. As a consumer, is my best friend, "said Greg Stuart, CEO of the Mobile Marketing Association in the United States.
The number of cell phones in use in the world went from 7 billion, with 50% of the global average web users mobile use mobile as a primary or exclusive to access the internet. Cisco predicts that in 2020 there will be more people in the world with mobile phones than with electricity, water and automobiles. In five years there will be 11.6 billion cell phones, devices and connections in the world, including 8.5 billion personal phones. Of these, 67% are "smart".
Worldwide, for the first time in 2016, the mobile marketing investments exceeded those in online media on the desktop-the segment exceeded $100 million investment, making up a slice of 51% of global digital advertising market, according to data from eMarketer. Video, strategies with geolocation, deep links in ads, apps with ads, native media in mobile and mobile content first for brands are among the trends of effervescent mobile marketing in the world today.
Mike Reynolds, Director of mobile and Internet Video Advertising Bureau in London, says that in the beginning the iPhone was privilege who could pay, now about one in every three inhabitants of the United Kingdom have an iPhone.
"The iPhone took smart phones to the mass market, and quickly became the most personal of devices, one that people can''t live without. Of course this brought challenges: with mobile audiences growing, publishers have had difficulty to monetize your mobile resources, as well as advertisers in creating strategies that attract consumers. The good news is that the tide is turning and we are seeing more and more award-winning campaigns with the mobile at the Centre, "he says.
According to him, with the arrival of the Internet of things and wearable technology, the role of the phone tends to enlarge. "The cell phone is what connects the dots between all of these things and become the remote control which will give life to all of this, which tends to strengthen the relationship of the people with their smartphones. More than ever, mobile if consolidate as essential to the marketing strategies of brands ".
In Brazil
Today, in Brazil, the mobile occupies two out of every three minutes and the applications correspond to more than half of the time devoted to digital, according to comScore Media Metrix study in Brazil. The digital time was never as big as today, and is led by consumption in smartphones. According to the study, the total digital time tripled from 2014, with the mobile growing month by month and today being responsible for 67% of the total forecast navigated by Brazilians. Increasingly the engagement falls on the desktop and in mobile: the mobile audiences represent a growing contribution to the total digital audience.
Through consumption of mobile already represents the bulk of key categories in Brazil as social media, search, technology and retail. The vast majority of social media consumption (70%) is made using apps for smartphones. The performance of music and radio categories stand out in mobile in relation to desktop: users invest on average 98 minutes on sites/apps like Google Play music, Spotify, SoundCloud. Facebook has about 71 million of Brazilian assets per day via mobile.
According to a study of the Mobile Marketing Association, the Millennials are fired, which keep the assiduous relationship with cell phones, taking advantage of the device at all times of idleness. Your daily average of connection is about 3 hours and 57 minutes. The average spend in Brazil, in General, on the internet by cell phone, is 3 hours and 14 minutes. In Brazil, Apple dominates the Smartphone market, but the tablets. About 83% of the smartphones in the country are of the Android system, with the brands Samsung and Motorola dominating the scene.
The consultant Simon Sinek usually compare the relationship with the mobile and social networks the vices like booze, cigarettes and the game. Win likes and receive messages represents pure dopamine injected into a vein. "The troubled adolescence is often the time when people become addicted to virtual relationships, and these teenagers become adults with little or no ability to establish meaningful and deep relations with people in the real world. The lack of balance in the use of devices and social networks is a problem, "he says.
The psychologist Lillian Stephan says a new issue that the use of mobile phones brought to the therapy clinics: Nomophobia, the cell phone addiction, which affects both young people as adults and is characterised as an absolute dependence on the cell phone, and the phobia of being without him. "This dependency has connections with low self-esteem, depression, isolation, antisocial attitudes, shyness and loneliness", explains Lilian.
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