terça-feira, 24 de janeiro, 2017

Index of stocks in trade in SP decreases in January

São Paulo – the retail trade in the metropolitan region of São Paulo began with stocks above the appropriate 2017, with businessmen unable to reduce excess products end-of-year sales.
The indicator of adequacy of stocks fell to 90.8 points in January compared to 106.1 points in December, the Federation of trade in goods, services and tourism of the State of São Paulo (FecomercioSP). A year earlier, the index was at 90.8 points.
The index of Inventories (IE) captures the perception of traders about the volume of goods stocked in stores and ranges from zero (total inadequacy) 200 points (total adequacy). The mark of 100 points is the line between inadequate and fitness.
For the FecomercioSP, the result is the exaggeration of optimism of the end of year and signals that the country is paving the road to recovery in 2017. Among the signs are as reliable indicators of businessmen and consumers and propensity to invest and hire.
"The Organisation considers that this disappointment is the exaggeration of optimism of the end of the year, more than effectively a process of the final cessation of recovery," said FecomercioSP in a statement.
According to the entity, the fall of IE is the result of increasing the proportion of entrepreneurs with stocks above the appropriate, which went from 33,2% in December to 34,9% in January. On annual basis, however, dropped 7.1 percentage points.
The portion of traders with stocks below the appropriate rose to 13,8% compared with 13,6% in December, but still lower than a year earlier, when it was in 16,9%.
The slice of entrepreneurs who consider their appropriate stocks fell to 50,8% in January compared with 52,9% in December. A year earlier, this proportion was 45,3%.
Exame - 23/01/2017
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